Women In Business Prospering Through Wisdom

Christian Women In Business,

For Us, Success is our Pathway to Prosperity

Prospering Through Wisdom

Women in Business Prospering Through Wisdom is the key to greater wealth and abundance.

When you live in and work from your heart you are wealthy and abundant

Hello, my name is Cyndi. I am what I love to call, a creative being. I have much to share with you.

Women in Wisdom Prospering Through Wisdom is one of my many gemstones that I gift to other women business owners. This is how I get to share all the tools and resources that have become available to me through the building of my own empire. I use my own wisdom to help you to prosper on your entrepreneurial journey.

The creating and designing of my businesses have allowed me to enjoy a flow of money into my life on a constant basis from multiple sources. Being super successful has taught me many lessons that have changed my life and the course of my personalized and unique journey.

I have changed my life in profound ways after finally making up my mind to use my gifts to create and design a life I simply love.

Years ago, after walking away from a community of people in corporate America that did not resonate with my heart and spirit, I decided to run home and setup shop in the comfort of my heart and home. There was no doubt in my mind that I could change my family’s life by using all of the opportunities available to me.

The tools and resources required to start my own businesses where I could work from home had always been available to me. I didn’t realize nor did I reach my fullest and greatest potential until I began putting the pieces together. It was then that I set up my own unique system of success. Yes, I put in place, using all of the opportunities and possibilities gifted to me, an awesome business design that would be successful for years to come.

Sharing Life-Changing Wisdom and Knowledge To Enlighten Your Path

Women in Business Prospering Through Wisdom is my heart.

It is the knowledge and resources every woman needs for her life as well as how to manage, grow and prosper her world of business.

We are Christian women business owners who possess the mindset to see and do  extraordinary things.

The resources made available to you here at WIBPTW are priceless. It is profound information that you are welcome to use whenever and wherever you feel you need it most.

Women in Business Prospering Through Wisdom is full of wonderful wisdom from minds of phenomenal women just like yourself.

 Women Prosper In All Things Matters To The Heart

The founder and owner, Cyndi Boyer, has been gifted incredible knowledge from her own life experiences.

Cyndi is blessed with some of the most remarkable gifts that anyone could ever receive from and by the hand of the One who created her and she has wisely chosen to use her knowledge, power and grateful heart to create the perfect brand and business using her special gifts, talents and skill set along with her great ability to move mountains.

Women in Business Prospering Through Wisdom invites you to be a part of our Christ-centered womanhood.

Here you, your life and your dynasty will be enhanced, enriched, enlightened and empowered by Cyndi’s extensive knowledge about various things in life and as a Christian woman business owner. 

You will be cloaked with a harvest of riches when you enter into this place we call amazing and abundant.. 

Your business will be blanketed with a life and business changing fabric knitted and woven together piece by patch to ensure even greater success.



Christian Women Business Owners Gateway To Abundance, Wealth and Riches

Receive my instruction, and not silver; and knowledge rather than choice gold. For wisdom is better than rubies; and all the things that may be desired are not to be compared to it.

Entrepreneurs, leaders, speakers, teachers, mentors that are equipped with powerful God-given tools are women of power and women of power are Women in Business Prospering Through Wisdom.

Wisdom is a true gift from God that comes from the very depth of His Almighty Word. Wisdom enables you to live your dreams by reaching your goals.

We all have goals – whether they are our own or from God, we vow to fulfill our dreams and goals using our God-given skills and abilities.

Many women have traveled a path that has and continues to excite, motivate, satisfy and comfort us for just a moment; we still long to walk the path designed by God for our lives that will give us the long-lasting peace, joy and true contentment we long for and so often dream of.

Women in Business that have taken, with confidence, a step of faith on the path of righteousness, have prospered through wisdom and spiritual understanding.

Women in Business are in business for themselves because they long to be their own person and they aspire to be their own boss.

Through it all we had/have to lean on God’s awesome ability and infinite wisdom to attain what we have and all that we’ve learned – we’ve done it through wisdom by the help of our Divine Aid; by the empowering of the Holy Spirit, we have accomplished and continue to achieve our God-given goals by utilizing our talents, gifts and abilities.

In our quest to be our very best, we dedicate ourselves to hard work and we wholeheartedly welcome the challenges that sometimes forces us to jump over the walls that contain the obstacles placed on the path in front of our footsteps with enormous leaps and bounds.

We fight on as we press for the mark and when we press for the mark our eyes are open to help us to be able to see and realize our potential; true and great.

We dig deep down into the depths of our souls; it is there that we find and then achieve great success, prudently, carefully and wisely receiving and using God’s instructions for our lives and through our wisdom, we apply His instructions and principles to our businesses.

To God Be The Glory Forever and Ever, Amen.

Cyndi Boyer


